Links to uncommonly great specials/deals are allowed. NO SALES POSTS - Sale/trade/buy posts are not allowed. Fair warning to all: racism, sexism, hate speech, political intolerance regardless of viewpoint (especially any witch-hunting or brigading), deadnaming, or harassment of any sort will result in an instant and permanent ban. This is an excellent choice if not the best in this CATEGORY.NO PERSONAL ATTACKS - Please keep comments constructive! Personal attacks, insults, and bad faith criticism of users equipment or music will not be tolerated. The report makes me parrait any justification for musicians possdant sound banks as well as important Hards samplers or virtual. _ Makes the big quality of this app is just not that big of default and that will get us out of almost any situation in import and export rather fawn lgante. _ Another great quality is that this product is made rgulirement day for several years and each time the functions that are supplmentaires implementations are still in the style of the day (intgration new virtual sampler MachFive, Kontakt.

_ The interface is more user friendly than software such as that of competitor Chicken System "Translator" which parrait a little search.

(Although this function is improved and it is often easier to mount the image with software ddi (Alcohol120% for example). _ The possibility to mount CD images directly and to read the code. ) or "merger levels velocitquot To create a multi layer.

_ The possibility of "merger program" which allows easier CRER programs (drum kits. _ The converted measure a sample, a program, the entire CD if a need.

_ The multitude of formats included in both import and export I use a dj since CDXtract year and I must say that this app is the Swiss Army Knife of vritablement sampler also some developers do not make a mistake in their product intgrant this app (MachFive MOTU).